About Me

My photo
Virginia, United States
I'm a Mom of 2 sweet boys. My second was a preemie. I have a wonderful husband who makes me laugh constantly. I love my family. They are a gift from God.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

In God's Time

Okay, so I am sitting here and looking over my info on Facebook and realized that I completely forgot I had a blogspot. Talk about pregnancy brain. Either that, or I just had too many tons on my one ton truck....Either way, I am here and it is time to catch up on a few things. I am currently 23 weeks pregnant with my third sweet baby. This time we are having a girl. Her name....her name, yeah, that is the hard part. We have gone through so many different names, we just can't decide on anything. The only thing that everyone has agreed that they like is Payton. I think that is pretty. It means, "honorable woman" which is good. Her middle name will be Faith. I am doing this for God for all the things He has done for me and all the things He has gotten me through. I am so excited and blessed to be having a baby girl. I thought I would not have a girl, that it was not meant for me to have a sweet little princess, but God had other plans and I thank Him so much. Cameron and Aidan are growing up so quickly. Cam will be 9 years old in a few weeks and Aidan will be 3 this November. I just can't believe how time flies by. I am trying to do better and sit back and enjoy it before it is gone. I was making the mistake of trying to do everything at one time and I was neglecting the ones that I love the most. No more of that...My family is a gift that I don't want to take for granted. Jobs can wait, school can wait...God is number one, and Family (which He gave to me), is second after Him. I'll no longer sacrifice those to the bottom of my list. I am not working anywhere at the moment - at least not paid. I am a full-time mommy and I am loving every minute. I wish I could do this forever. I love watching my babies grow and being there for them. I just love babies, period. If the Lord would grant me a job working with babies and kids, that would be awesome. We shall see what He has in store for me. It will all work out in His time. :) Well, I guess I will go for now. I am having writer's block. I think I need some food. I am pregnant and always hungry!! But, that is a-okay!! Until we meet again, Love, Shanny

Friday, October 16, 2009

Yeah, today is my birthday! I am now 28 years YOUNG!
I have a fun filled weekend planned. I don't know what Jason has up his sleeve tonight, but tomorrow, we are all going to see "Where The Wild Things Are". We as in Me, Jason, Cameron, Dan, Mary, Tiffany, Mom, Dad, Austin, Grace, and Emma. That is a lot of people. But, it's missing one little tiny person. Mr. Aidan! We can't take him to the movies b/c he is too small. I guess we could take him, but then he may cry or get bored, or get afraid and I don't want that to happen to him.

We will have to do something tonight so Aidan can join in the festivities.

Then, Sunday, I am going out with my girls to Lonestar. Yummy! My tummy is growling already!

For my birthday, I hope to gather enough money to buy a Flip Video. That would be awesome!!
We will see!!

Well, I am going to get back to work though. As soon as I get my pictures, which I should today, I will post more pics on here.


Monday, October 12, 2009

A Month of Sundays..

Have you ever heard that old saying, "I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays!" Well, that's me with this blog! Only, it's been about three months of Sundays! I don't know why I stopped blogging there for a while. I guess where it has been so busy here at work. It has been an absolute madhouse lately, with deadlines and people calling constantly! But, October 15th is only a few days away, so I will not have so much to do soon. (I accidentally typed "do do" instead of "to do" the first time. But hey, it would make sense either way! LOL)

Aidan is growing so much! And doing new things all of the time. He now shakes his head "no", and waves "bye bye". He sat up on his own the other day. And he can feed himself. :o) He likes those Gerber Graduates Puffs. It's so funny to watch him eat those. I really really really need a new camera so I can film him before he's not a baby anymore! I can't believe he'll be one year old on November 30th! I'm supposed to have a few more months, but the little booger decided to come into the world 6 weeks early! But, that is okay. I love that little man.

Cameron is really growing too! Every year, I just can't believe how much he changes! I'll look at his school pictures, and just almost cry. :o( My baby Cam is not a baby anymore! He is a sweet young boy. And a wonderful big brother!! And he is soo smart!! He is constantly suprising me with things that he says.

Well, I have to go, but I promise I will not take forever to write again this time. :o)


OH! One more thing, and how could I forget!!??

Jason and I celebrated 10 years together this weekend! We had our first date since Aidan was born. We had a lot of fun. We went out to eat, went bowling, shopping, and topped it off with a trip to McDonalds to get some ice cream. :o) I love my sweet Jason. I always will. I still have the red ring that he gave me when we were in high school. I made sure that all the jewelry I had on that night was something he had given me. Almost everything he's given me (minus the red rubber ring) has hearts on it. Even the diamond in my engagement ring is shaped like a heart. I love love love love him!!!

Happy 10 years together my sweet Jason!! You are a wonderful husband and father!!! I am so happy to have you three boys in my life!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thinking about lots of things today

Hey, I am thinking about a lot of different things today. Please visit Kayleigh's blog - http://www.kayleighannefreeman.com/ today and read about and pray for Stellan and Abby. These babies are so sweet. Please pray that God will heal them and let them live a full, healthy life. It breaks my heart everytime I read about one of these angels. But, I try to be strong and know that everything is in God's hands and He knows and will do what is best.

"Dear Lord, Please help these sweet little dolls. Please heal them if it is Your will. Please help them to be happy and healthy for the remainder of their days. Please let them lead a life full of wonderful memories and not memories of hospitals and sickness. Please help their families as they go through this time with them. I love You Lord and I know that You know what is best and You have a plan for everyone. If it is Your will, I pray that these little bodies will heal. Thank You Lord for everything You have done so far to help them. I love You. In Jesus's Name I pray, Amen."

I wish there was something more that I could do. I really want to get out there and help as many children as I can. I feel that God is really wanting me to do something. I will continue to pray and search for what.

Anyway, I guess that is really all that I am thinking of today. It's only ONE thing after all, instead of lots like my title says, but I guess it just feels like lots because it is so big to me.

Well, I guess I will get going. I just needed to get this out there. It helps to get things out.

I love you all. Thank you for listening to me.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What a Blessing!

Hey, I have some great news that I got this morning! I had a lady call me from Summit Sleep Disorder Center in NC. I thought I still owed them quite a bit of money, but apparently, not only do I NOT owe them any more money, they actually owe ME! Wow! What a blessing! That is one less medical provider to pay each month! AND...as it so works out...The amount of money that they owe me should be enough to take care of another bill from a certain medical provider (Martinsville Hospital) that hasn't been wanting to work with me one bit! So, see, the Lord knows what He is doing! All I can say is Thank You Lord SOOO Much! You are always there for me and I thank you so much for that! You always help me out of valleys and touch situations. Thank you!!!

I guess that's all I will write for now..Oh, except for one more thing. Go to Kayleigh's website:
http://www.kayleighannefreeman.blogspot.com and read the blog "7/20/09 Jessica Lynn Cross". She needs our help if we can help her financially that would be great. But, please add this sweet girl to your prayer list.

Talk to you later!


Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Friday!

Hey! I haven't blogged in quite a few days! It's good to be back. Let's see, where did I leave off.... Oh yeah, okay, after I got home from DC, I rested...

Then, the next day, Jason, Cameron, Aidan, and I went to a hotel nearby and stayed from Thursday through Sunday with his parents. It was close to home, but it was a lot of fun! They had a nice swimming pool and free hot breakfast (which is always good). It was only the second time that Aidan had been in a swimming pool and he absolutely loved it! He would actually start fussing when we took him out. His little chunky legs got a tan. :o) He liked to stand on the second step down from the top step, which would make the water level about up to his belly button, and jump up and down in the water. He also liked when we'd take his legs and make them splash the water. One time he got upset though, because this other little kid splashed some water and it got on his face. I guess it surprised him. But other than that, he really enjoyed himself.

On Friday night, we went over to the Martinsville Speedway. They had free rides for everyone. There were a TON of people there, so the lines to the rides were 50 yards long! Cameron got to ride 2 rides within about an hour and a half! But, then we went up to the actual race track and they had a country singer there, and I think his name is Clint Yager (spelling?) and he sings that song "Just another day in Paradise". It was a good show, and afterward they had fireworks. I actually have a picture of me holding Aidan's ears while he slept on my lap during the display. I remember a lady next to me saying "You're hands must be better than cotton!"

The next day we went to see The Martinsville Mustangs play baseball and then saw another fireworks display! Aidan actually stayed awake for some of this one. Notice, I said "some". He watched the first part and then got bored with it I guess and fell asleep on Jasons shoulder. He is a funny guy. Cameron on the other hand, found a friend of his there and went to sit with her during the display. Cameron, who is now as brown as a biscuit, really enjoyed being able see his friends. He also loved the pool! If he wasn't sleeping or eating, that boy was in the pool! He can almost swim now. I don't think it will be much longer.

We got a pool for the house. It's one of those that are 4 feet deep. We still need to get water put in it. Jason called the Fire Department and we have to go through PSA to get a permit first, and there are several other steps, and it seems silly to me, "Just bring the water already!" But..that's how it goes sometimes I guess.

After we got home from staying at the hotel...we rested. :o) We were lazy all day long. Even Aidan slept more than usual. Which was a good thing! Cause we were sleepy too!
And, well, this week nothing much has happened. I'm just back at work. I work at BMS Consulting, Inc. We handle 401K Plans for different companies. It hasn't been very busy this week. I guess everyone is on vacation. So..that is also a good thing! :o)

I will try to have some more pics on here soon of vacation and all. It was a lot of fun. I wish I could be a stay at home mom. I sure miss hanging out with my boys all day long!
My father-in-law, Jimmy, wants me to plan a trip to Disney World for the whole family. So, that should be fun...EXCEPT...I have never ridden on an airplane! I've been to Disney World, but it was on a bus and it took 17 hours. But, I was not afraid! I don't know what I'll do on an airplane. I hope I don't do like that man from Twilight Zone and start seeing little gremlins on the wing and such...haha!

Okay, well, I think I've written a small essay...Oh! but one more thing before I go. Check out this website, http://www.goodreads.com/, Good Reads, if you like to read books. My friend introduced me to it and it is pretty cool!

Well, talk to you later!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

D.C. Tour

Hey! Here are just a few pictures from Mom and I's "tour" today around Washington DC. I didn't add them all because I took some of them longways and I don't know how to rotate them on here! :o) But anyhoo, it was a lot of fun! After we got finished touring, we walked to Maggie Moo's. That was a loooong walk! It was I guess a mile there and a mile back probably. But, it wasn't so bad and I guess we walked off a little of those milkshakes we got. Well, then I ordered some Domino's pizza so I guess we just put it back on...oh well! I'm on VACATION! Tomorrow I get to go home and see my boys! I talked to Jason a while ago and he said they really miss me. He said Cameron said he was ready for me to be home. He said Aidan didn't say anything, he just looked at him. hehe (Aidan turned 7 months old today!) Well, I am going to get ready for bed now. Here are those pictures I was talking about.
I don't think I'll be able to blog anymore until I go back to work Monday, so I'll have to catch you up on the rest of the weeks experiences! We are going to Smith Mountain Lake the rest of the week. I guess...if we don't that is A O.K. with me!

Okay..bye bye for now!

The Lincoln Memorial

The Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial


The World War II Memorial

Part of the World War II Memorial

Mom and I's first ride in a taxi cab! We had to make it a kodak moment!

I don't remember what street we were on, but there were several celebrity stars and signatures. This is Johnny Cash

B.B. King

Tom Jones (and moms foot..hehe)

The End!